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Is it Okay to Submit One Research Paper to Various Conferences or Journals?

Is it Okay to Submit One Research Paper to Various Conferences or Journals?

Therefore, in the scholarly publishing and sharing of academic research, publication and presentation at conferences is the next big step towards visibility and contribution in one’s field. However, researchers often face a critical question: Can I submit my paper to two different conferences or journals, or is something wrong? It may sound straightforward, but it entails knowledge in academic ethics, publishers’ guidelines, ethical standards, and professionalism.

Let’s analyze this issue and find out if it is alright to do so, the dangers to it and other options that are open to researchers.

Understanding Simultaneous Submissions

Peer Review Integrity: Scientific papers in journals or at conferences involve critique by a panel of other experts on a paper’s quality, novelty, and significance. Providing the same work to various platforms is unproductive and also puts the time of the reviewers to waste.

Duplicate Publication: Re-posting the same piece on numerous platforms is a copyright infringement also it takes away from the innovation of scholarly work.

Professional Ethics: Studying literature on this topic, Pandian came to know that submitting a paper to multiple venues without disclosure is an unethical practice in the research community that can harm the reputation of a researcher.

Risks of Submitting the Same Paper to Multiple Conferences or Journals

Other researchers may believe that submitting papers to multiple conferences at the same time mean higher chances of acceptance but the odds are heavily stacked against the scholar. Here are some of the significant risks:

Rejection or Retraction: Editors or conference organizers who find out that a paper has been submitted to other journals will reject the paper or withdraw the acceptance, regardless.

Violation of Copyright: Normally, when the paper has been accepted and published, the publisher gains the ownership right to that paper. This is the reason why by submitting it to another journal or conference may trigger legal problems and penalties.

Damage to Reputation: Working against the submission policies can put your reputation as a researcher in jeopardy having negative repercussions on your career. It may also lead to black listing by journals or even academic associations.

Loss of Trust: It is also important to remember that your co-authors, your mentors, and the institutions for which you worked rely on ethical behavior. Preliminary violations of these norms can raise tension in professional interactions.

Are There Any Exceptions?

While submitting the same paper to multiple platforms is generally discouraged, there are a few cases where it may be permissible:

Preprints: Posting your papers in preprint repositories is as a rule permissible before submitting the material to a scholarly journal or conference. Many journals still do not consider preprints as actual publications but as a means by which information can be shared rapidly.

Conference and Journal Versions: There are journals whereby scholars can submit an extended version of the paper they had presented at a conference. In such cases, the conference paper represents the first laid down manuscript while the journal version contains extra data, analysis, or findings.

Important Note: ES members have to notify the journal of earlier conference submissions and guarantee that the new version is not an identical copy of the conference submission.

Translated Works: Originally, certain topics were published in a particular language which can be submitted in another language provided that there is reference and permission.

Abstract Submissions: Presents an abstract at different conferences they argue is generally okay because what is presented including an abstract is not considered as a paper. However, concerning policies, they may or may not be; therefore, when planning to attend such programs should confirm with the organizers.

How to Avoid Ethical Dilemmas

Here are some tips to ensure you remain on the right side of academic publishing ethics:

Read Submission Guidelines: It is also important to go through the policies on submission of papers in the target journal or conference before submitting your paper.

Be Transparent: If you plan on submitting a version of a paper that was also presented somewhere else, inform the editors or organizers of this.

Avoid Simultaneous Submissions: When writing your paper, do not submit your manuscript to more than one outlet at a time. Rejection and rejection offer you another chance that you can consider.

Expand and Revise: In case, when a conference paper has to be published in the journal, increase significantly the content, methodology, and findings to develop a new contribution.

Seek Clarification: When in doubt, consult the editor of the journal or the organizer of the conference in question concerning their rules.


The practice of submitting the same research paper to other conferences or journals is universally and ethically wrong, and most publishers strictly do not allow this. However, such cases are encouraged only when they have to meet full subjection and corresponding submission rules and regulations.

The concept of integrity inclusive of obeying the peer review process while giving concern to ethical standards is vital to academic publication. The requirements can be learned, and the strategies can be applied to help researchers avoid playing a dangerous game while accomplishing their goals responsibly and efficiently.

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